The Boy Who Broke The Bank Story Questions and Answers & MCQs

The Boy Who Broke The Bank Story Questions and Answers & MCQs

A. Read the passage and answer the questions:

Nathu grumbled to himself as he swept the steps of the Pipalnagar Bank owned by Seth Govind Ram. He used the small broom hurriedly and carelessly and the dust, after rising in a cloud above his head settled down again on the steps.

As Nathu was banging his pan against a dustbin, Sitaram, the washer man’s son, passed by. Sitaram was on his delivery round. He had a bundle of freshly pressed clothes balanced on his head.
“Don’t raise such dust!” he called out to Nathu.
“Are you annoyed because they are still refusing to pay you an extra two rupees a month?”
“I don’t wish to talk about it”, complained the sweeper boy.

Question 1.
Why did Nathu grumble?
Nathu was a sweeper boy who works at a bank named the Pipalnagar Bank but the bank was not paying his wages. Therefore, he was penniless and so needed money to run his family. That is why he grumbled.

Question 2.
Who was Nathu?
Nathu was a sweeper boy who works at the Pipalnagar Nagar owned by Seth Govind Ram. He used to dust and clean the stairs and the floor of the bank in return of a small amount of money as salary. But for a period of time, when he was not getting his wages so he remained agitated all the time.

Question 3.
Who was Sitaram?
Sitaram was the washerman’s son who was also plodding barefoot on the road, carrying a load of clothes on his head. He was on his delivery round. When he saw Nathu, he asked him about his whereabouts to which Nathu replied agitatedly due to job issues. Being a good person, he offered his help in finding another job for Nathu.

Question 4.
“I don’t wish to talk about it,”- Who said this to whom? Why?
Here, this line was said by Nathu to Sitaram. Nathu was annoyed because in spite of working so hard, he was not getting any money. Therefore, he was facing a huge difficulty in running his family. He was also worried because he tought he might not get the money at all and also determined as well to get his money anyhow. He was disturbed and so he said.

B. Read the passage and answer the questions:

At the fourth home he visited, Sitaram heard the lady of the house mention that she was in need of a sweeper. Tying his bundle together, he said; “I know of a sweeper-boy who is looking for work. He can start from next month. He’s with the bank just now but they aren’t giving him his pay, and he wants to leave.”

“Is that so?” said Mrs Srivastava. “Well, tell him to come and see me tomorrow.” Sitaram was glad that he had been of service to both-a customer and his friend. Mrs Srivastava had to do some shopping. She set out for the Pipalnagar market place, to make her customary tour of the cloth shops.

A large shady tamarind tree grew at one end of the bazzar, and it was here that Mrs Srivastava found her friend, Mrs Bhushan, sheltering from the heat. Mrs Bhushan showed her a sample of the cloth she was going to by, and for five minutes they discussed its shade, texture nd design.

Having exhausted this topic, Mrs Srivastava said, “Do you know, my dear, that Seth Govind Ram’s bank can’t even pay its employees? Only this morning I heard a complaint from their sweeper, who has not received his wages for over a month!”

Question 1.
Who was Seth Govind Ram?
Seth Govind Ram was the bank manager of the Pipalnagar Bank. He was a well-known figure in town as a man of wealth whose haphazard business dealing had often brought him to the verge of ruin.

Question 2.
How did Nathu, the sweeper boy, expresses his anger?
Nathu was vexed with his employer Seth Govind Ram for not paying his salary on time. Annoyed by this, Nathu swept the place hurriedly, raising dust everywhere and banging the pan against a dustbin. He also swore to Sitaraman that he would quit the job the moment he received his salary.

Question 3.
What was the rumour?
From Sitaram, people came to know the condition of the sweeper boy Nathu and thus rumour spread that the owner of the bank could not even pay the wages of a sweeper boy. This words spread like fire from one person to another and so they started getting anxious about their money.

Question 4.
Who was Mrs Srivastava?
Mrs Srivastava was a common lady to whom Sitaram reported about Nathu and his job issues and asked her for a job for Nathu. From Mrs Srivastava, the rumour that the owner of the bank could not pay even a sweeper boy his wages spread like a wild fire and so from one people to another, words spread and gave birth to complexity.

C. Read the passage and answer the questions:

“No, but my neighbour has!” he exclaimed; and he called our over the low partition to the keeper of the barber shop next door. “Deep Chand, have you heard the latest news? The Pipalnagar Bank is about to collapse. You’d better get your money out soon as you can!”

Deep Chand who was cutting the hair of an elderly gentleman, was so startled that his hand shook and he nicked his customer’s right ear. The customer yelped with pain and distrees: pain not because of the cut and distress but because of the awful news he.

The Best Guide to TREASURE CHEST had just heard. With one side of his neck still i unshaven, he sped across the road to the general merchant’s store where there was a telephone. He dialled Seth Govind Rain’s number. The Seth was not at home. Where was he, them?

The Seth was holidaying in Kashmir. Oh, was that so? The elderly gentleman did not believe it. He hurried back to the barber’s shop and told Deep Chand. “The bird has flown! Seth Govind Ram has left town. Definitely, it means collapse.” Then he dashed out of the shop, making a beeline for his office and cheque book.

Question 1.
What made the towns people think that the Seth had run away because of the bank’s collapse?
eideriy customer at the barbershop ran out as soon as he got to khow of the bank going insolvent. He went to a general store which had a telephone and dialled Seth Govind Ram’s number.

Seth was not at home. He was holidaying in Kashmir. The elderly gentleman speculated that Seth Govind Ram had left town. When this piece of information did its rounds in the bazaars, everyone else was convinced that Seth had run away.

Question 2.
What were the absurd rumours that were spreading about Seth Govind?
Among the absurd rumours that were spreading about Seth, one was that he had fled the state. Others insisted that he had fled the country. Some believed that he was hiding somewhere close by, possibly within the town.

Question 3.
Do you think the Seth’s reputation made the rumours easier to believe? Why?
Yes, I think Seth’s reputation made the rumours easier to believe. This is because the Seth was known for his pleasure-loving attitude and careless business dealing. His frivolous ways made it difficult for the simple townsfolk to trust him entirely. Hence, a lot of them withdrew their money from the bank, way ahead of the speculated crash.

Question 4.
Why were the bank customers worried?
The bank customers were worried because rumours spread that the bank manager was not able to pay even the wages of a sweeper boy so they thought that the economic condition of the bank had become very poor and so they thought their money would be devoured. These thoughts made them anxious.

The Boy Who Broke The Bank Story MCQs

Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

Question 1.
Who owned the Pipalnagar Bank ?
a. Nathu
b. Seth Govind Ram
c. Sitaram
a. Nathu

Question 2.
Where did the dust settle down?
a. On the steps
b. Above his head
c. At the ground
c. At the ground

Question 3.
Who is Sitaram?
a. Son of washerman
b. Son of Nathu
c. Son of Seth Govind Ram
a. Son of washerman

Question 4.
Why did Sitaram come to the bank?
a. For some office work
b. For some personal work
c. For delivery pressed cloths
c. For delivery pressed cloths

Question 5.
“Don’t raise such dust!” Who said this?
a. Nathu
b. Sitaram
c. Seth Govind Ram
b. Sitaram

Question 6.
Who is annoyed with the bank?
a. Nathu
b. Sitaram
c. None of them
a. Nathu

Question 7.
“Who would trust this bank?” Why did the sweeper say this?
a. Because he didn’t get his food
b. Because he didn’t get his rest
c. Because he didn’t get his salary
c. Because he didn’t get his salary

Question 8.
When would the sweeper get off from his duty?
a. When he gets a new job
b. When he gets his salary
c. None of these
b. When he gets his salary

Question 9.
“Well, tell him to come and see me tomorrow ’ Who said tins?
a. Mrs. Srivastava
b. Seth Govind Ram
c. Sitaram
a. Mrs. Srivastava

Question 10.
Who is the friend of Sitaram?
a. Mrs. Srivastava
b. Seth Govind Ram
c. Nathu
c. Nathu

Question 11.
Why was Sitaram glad?
a. Because he served for both-a customer and his friend
b. Because he got a new job
c. Because he got his payment
a. Because he served for both-a customer and his friend

Question 12.
In which market Mrs. Srivastava go for shopping?
a. City market
b. Pipalnagar market place
c. Grocery market
b. Pipalnagar market place

Question 13.
Where did the large shady tamarind tree grow?
a. One side of the bank
b. One side of the road
c. One end of the bazaar
c. One end of the bazaar

Question 14.
Who is Mrs. Srivastava’s friend?
a. Seth Govind Ram
b. Mrs Bhushan
c. Sitaram
c. Sitaram

Question 15.
“Do you know, my dear, that Seth Govind Ram’s bank can’t even pay its employees?”- Who said this?
a. Mrs Bhushan
b. Sitaram
c. Mrs. Srivastava
b. Sitaram

Question 16.
Where was Mrs Bhushan’s husband sitting?
a. Front of the bank
b. Front of a Photography shop
c. Front of the market
b. Front of a Photography shop

Question 17.
Who have been looking for Kamal Kishore?
a. Mrs Bhushan
b. Mrs. Srivastava
c. Nathu
a. Mrs Bhushan

Question 18.
Who is Deep Chand?
a. The sweeper
b. Barber shop keeper
c. The bank manager
b. Barber shop keeper

Question 19.
Why did the customers yelp?
a. Because of the cut
b. Because of the awful news
c. None of these
b. Because of the awful news

Question 20.
Where is Seth Govind Ram going for holiday?
a. Kolkata
b. Delhi
c. Kashmir
c. Kashmir

Question 21.
“The, bird has flown!” Who is the bird?
a. Seth Govind Ram
b. Deep Chand
c. Kamal Kishore
a. Seth Govind Ram

Question 22.
Who is old Ganpat?
a. Husband of Mrs Bhushan
b. Husband of Mrs Srivastava
c. A beggar
c. A beggar

Question 23.
How much money did Ganpat have in his savings account?
a. Two thousand rupees
b. One thousand rupees
c. Five thousand rupees
b. One thousand rupees

Question 24.
Who wrote the story ‘The Boy Who Broke The Bank’?
a. Charles Dickens
b. Oscar Wilde
c. Ruskin Bond
c. Ruskin Bond

Question 25.
“Good morning, Nathu” Who said this?
a. Sitaram
b. Seth Govind Ram
c. Kamal Kishore
a. Sitaram

Treasure Chest A Collection of ICSE Short Stories Workbook Answers

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